We Do Not Design a Product, 

But Life Cycle

Simply Innovative Design from 100% Natural Rubber

PARA values the resources available in Thailand and aims to offer products in an environmentally-friendly way under simply innovative design.



TREE-IN-ONE, made of 100% natural rubber, encourages you to reuse glass bottles in form of drinking storage with innovative functions. It allows you to contain a variety of beverages with “a vacuum stopper”, and fill any homemade juices easily as “a smart funnel” with the shape and form as “a perfect pourer”. 



PARA products comes with fully-reusable packaging in which it receives a second life through reusing. Additionally the packaging is made from the unbleached kraft paper without glue. The pattern is designed to save paper in a printing process and uses every inch of white space possible.

What Others Say about PARA

PARA is the best stopper for my daily drinking wine because I am an entrepreneur in eco business segment.

Tomas Prochazka 

 / Spojujenasjoga.cz Founder

PARA’s international success is evergreen and well deserved.

Andrea Bruschi

/ Metropolitana Milanese S.p.A.

We really  like working with Orakarn Sayatanan,  PARA founder because her products are all innovative and eco-friendly to promote Thailand in a modern way.

Wipawee Wanapongs

/ Thai Trade Prague CEO

Let’s  check PARA blog posts  and news!

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[tcb_post_title link=’1′ rel=’0′ target=’0′ inline=’1′ css=” static-link='{“className”:””,”href”:”https://parastory.com/4-easy-steps-for-wine-tasting/”,”title”:”4 Easy Steps for Wine Tasting”}’]
